Concussion assessments in female football and rugby players

Investigating the effects of concussion and heading in female football and rugby players.

Existentialism and a Department of Methodology for self-development and sport performance improvement

Does incorporating the fundamentals of existentialism – encouraging people to build their lives with purpose and passion – with the Department of Methodology bringing together the work of multi-disciplinary teams result in better performance?

Mechanical doping in cycling

Exploring mechanical doping in cycling, testing for machines and technological fraud regulations.

An illness like any other? Exploring understandings of mental illness in elite sport settings

The “mental illness is like any other illness” trope may inflate stigma rather than reduce it.

Does the time of day of physical activity engagement influence adherence?

Research agendas spanning psychology and neuroscience converge on the idea that engagement in an activity decreases as a function of time between intention and planned behaviour.