Can Trauma-Informed approaches help practitioners to support young people to make choices that enhance their health, wellbeing and weight more effectively?

Children and young people whose bodies do not conform to societal expectations have a greater risk of being teased or bullied. This may be experienced as trauma. Trauma-informed practice aims to develop awareness of how trauma negatively impacts individuals to facilitate responses which empower them to make choices that promote their health and wellbeing.

Investigating the impact of effective weight gain prevention interventions in the UK: a modelling study

Weight management in the UK focuses on treatment rather than prevention, and weight gain prevention interventions are overlooked.

Social, psychological, and psychopathological predictors of disordered eating

Exploring social media use, body appreciation, self-esteem, anxiety and depressive symptoms as predictors of disordered eating.

Effect of carbohydrate reduction on obesity and type 2 diabetes among adults in Africa

Evaluating the role of carbohydrate reduction in the prevention and management of obesity and reversal of type 2 diabetes in Africa.

Dose-response associations of physical activity with weight management: a multilevel-network meta-regression analysis of aggregate data

The main purpose of this research question is to investigate the optimal dose (METs/week) to manage weight effectively.

Can and should dentists have a role in promoting weight management in the population?

Making Every Contact Count uses the interactions between the public and the NHS to encourage changes in lifestyle behaviours. As dentists see most people every year, they are ideally placed to promote healthy lifestyles.